Guardian Hunter Rune

Guardian Hunter Runes

The RUNE is one of the most important game element in Guardian Hunter. It makes your guardian more stronger and tougher by giving an additional attack, defense, critical, hit points and more. Obtaining a rune is by chance (luck) only, but sometimes you can get some of the runes for free at daily reward and maintenance reward. Guardian Hunter Rune have different grade, attributes and types. That is why it is very important to equip your guardian with the best rune as much as possible because once you equipped a rune you can no longer unequipped it because it will break. Using a rune hammer will not break a rune if you unequipped it.

Rune Grade:
Guardian Hunter rune

  • 1* rune - can be obtained at Grade E boss raid and contains only 1 attribute. This type of rune is best use for rune enhancement only. 

Guardian Hunter rune

  • 2* rune - can be obtained at Grade D boss raid, Colosseum, Guild raid and contains 2 attribute. This type of rune is okay to be equipped for starter.

Guardian Hunter rune

  • 3* rune - can be obtained at grade D boss raid, Colosseum, Guild Raid and contains 3 attribute. This type of rune is the best rune to equip for your guardians because it will maximize your guardian.

Rune Type:

Guardian Hunter Rune
Dark Rune - can be equipped by a dark guardian.

Guardian Hunter Rune
Light Rune - can be equipped by a light guardian.

Guardian Hunter Rune
Nature Rune - can be equipped by a nature guardian.

Guardian Hunter Rune
Fire Rune - can be equipped by a fire guardian.

Guardian Hunter Rune
Ice Rune - can be equipped by an ice guardian.

Rune Attributes:

  • Attack - increases the damage of a guardian.
  • Critical - increases the critical chance rate of a guardian.
  • Defense - increases the defense of a guardian.
  • HP - increases the hit points of a guardian.
  • Speed - increases the movement speed of a guardian.
  • Absorb - absorb HP from an enemy guardian then added to your guardian's HP.
  • Counter - increases the counter attack chance rate of a guardian.
  • Cool time - decreases the cool down time of a guardian's skill.
  • Recover health - recover a small HP of a guardian per second.
  • Melee Resistance - increases the defense against a melee guardian enemy.
  • Range Resistance - increases the defense against a range guardian enemy.

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