Guardian Hunter Captain Laguna

Captain Laguna, Guardian Hunter, Ice Guardian

From Deck Officer Stoik to Shipmate Karlsmug to Captain Laguna

Captain Laguna (last evolution of Deck Officer Stoik) is the toughest Pirate of Bellia Sea. Just like the other Bellia Pirates, he joins the journey to seek revenge from the monsters that violated their Bellia sea. He is an ice guardian tanker that specializes with the use of hammer. 

Captain Laguna's special skill called Viking Love can slow down the movement speed of enemies for 8 seconds and greatly damage them when its powerful hammer strikes heavily the ground. Viking love has a 30 second cool time. This guardian can be obtained by using guardian summon scroll or by summoning it using gold and Karlsmug's soulstone. 

  • slow movement

  • good tanker
  • slow enemies


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